WSCA State Fair Show Qualifications

[ Champ Show Qualifications ] [ State Fair Qualifications ] [ Champ Show Entry Lookup ] [ Champ Show Entry Summary ]

To find out what you have been qualified for, fill in the fields, then you will be supplied with a list of names that satisfy your request.

Qualifying DatesShow Results Available
7/22/2019 - 7/27/20207/25/2019 - 3/15/2020
by Individuals name
If your last name contains an ' then enter a space. For Example: O'Brien enter: O B
first 3 letters in your last name: first letter of your first name: first letter of your horse's name:
Required Required Optional
by Class

by Show

Sort by Name Class

When searching through the class entries, please keep in mind that there may be typos.
Sometimes it is very difficult to read the show forms that are submitted.

You searched for Last Name starts with: ; First Name starts with: ; Horses Name starts with:

Sorry, there are no records to display

If you have a question about a qualification, let the WSCA Qualification Coordinator know.

Please keep in mind, that it can take up to 25 days before a show's qualifications will appear on the web site

**NOTE** - This qualification database is for the general reference only.  There may be times when the database is down due to updates.  It is highly recommended that each individual keep a complete record of their own qualifications for Champ Show and/or State Fair entry purposes.  This database was not intended to be the sole provider of information for entries.

There have been 1 lookups since June 2008.