WSCA Championship Show Qualifications

[ Champ Show Qualifications ] [ State Fair Qualifications ] [ Champ Show Entry Lookup ] [ Champ Show Entry Summary ]

To find out what you have been qualified for, fill in the fields, then you will be supplied with a list of names that satisfy your request.

Champ Show DatesQualifying DatesEntry DeadlineShow Results Available
9/24/2020 - 9/28/2020 8/19/2019 - 8/24/2020 8/24/20208/24/2019 - 3/15/2020
by Individuals name
If your last name contains an ' then enter a space. For Example: O'Brien enter: O B
first 3 letters in your last name: first letter of your first name: first letter of your horse's name:
Required Required Optional
by Class

by Show

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If you have a question about a qualification, let the WSCA Qualifications Coordinator know.

Please keep in mind, that it can take up to 25 days before a show's qualifications will appear on the web site

**NOTE** - This qualification database is for the general reference only. There may be times when the database is down due to updates. It is highly recommended that each individual keep a complete record of their own qualifications for Champ Show and/or State Fair entry purposes. This database was not intended to be the sole provider of information for entries.

There have been 1 lookups since June 2008.